Introducing The New strukta Website
Apr 13, 2016
The strukta team are extremely proud to announce the launch of our brand new website, which will, for the first time ever, allow our customers to order our entire product range online.
Place orders at any time from any location
The new website and online store means our customers can place orders at any time of the day. If you can’t make it down to a trade store, there’s no need to worry. Just place your order online and have it delivered right where you need it.
Get the latest products and offers
strukta customers will now be able to keep up with all our latest deals and special offers, as well as all of our newest products. Other great features to help our customers include tools such as ‘construkt-a-quote’ and our delivery calculator, which will help our customers estimate how much they need to order and what delivery will be.
Enjoy even better customer service
The new website is a new way for us to deliver outstanding customer service, one of our core values and it is a huge step for us as a company. We’re committed to making our customers’ lives easier and this is just another way which lets us do this.
We hope you enjoy using the new website. Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what you think. You can also keep with all our latest offers, products and everything else that is going on at strukta.