Planning reforms – What you need to know…
Oct 27, 2020
In 2020, the UK Government have introduced a series of proposals, designed to support and improve upon the planning system and in Boris’s words, to help “build better, build green and build faster”.
What is the ‘Planning for the Future’ briefing?
The ‘Planning for the Future’ proposal (launched on 6th August 2020), contains several targets that will help communities grow and thrive, creating new opportunities for developers and businesses alike.
What are the benefits of the ‘Planning for the Future’ proposals?
Here are a handful of the anticipated benefits:
Fast turnaround for new homes
Target for plans to be completed within 30 months, down from the current 7 years.
Preservation of green space
Allowance for more building upon brownfield land to preserve rural spaces for communities.
Zero carbon focus
To support the target for zero carbon emissions by 2050, all new homes are set to be “zero carbon ready”.
Simplification of the national levy
Replacing the current system of developer contributions which can often cause significant delays, and hamper project completion.
Planning appeal process overhaul
With over 1/3 of planning appeals being overturned, this refresh is designed to streamline the application processes.
Town plans
Only 50% of localities currently have town plans in place, and the new system aims to support the generation for redevelopment plans across the country.
What are people saying about the Planning Reforms?
Some have criticised the planning changes amid fears that the overhaul is too dramatic and is being pushed through too quickly. Others, however, have praised the proposals, agreeing that reforms are necessary and in fact will have a significant impact on job creation within the sector, new housing for communities and will ensure new homes support the climate change targets.
Where can I find out more about the Planning Reforms?
You can find out more about the proposed Planning Reforms by downloading and reading the full Planning for the Future proposal here.
You can also send your comments on the proposed changes as part of the public consultation which is open on the government website until 29th October 2020, either by post or online using the details included in the link above.
How can struktaGroup help construction industry businesses to take advantage of the new reforms?
As a leading supplier of building materials to the construction industry we’re committed to our promise of “construction solutions delivered FAST” ensuring our customers get what they need, when they need it, where they need it.
For dedicated, tailored support, bespoke solutions and a comprehensive stock profile, strukta GROUP are on hand to support your important projects.